Friday, August 8, 2008

time passes

So I haven`t been on here for a few months for a few reasons.

1. I bought a paper journal because I decided it was more real. I feel like I as putting more of myself into that journal.

2. I also realized that allthough I have been pretty good about hiding the names I use people could still know who I am if they read it.

but in response.
1. in my paper journal I basically only talk about Jason thats really girly and stupid. I now remember that I first got this online blog because I can type faster therfore I can share more and be more expressive rather than just saying what i think i wan to think about the way i say it too. practice all my artistry and shit
2. who cares if people read this and know who i amÉ they would never confront me about anything and an the whole im not saying anything truely mean just things that i honestly feel.

i think im going to go on here more often.

lady gaga - just dance. (i know its lame but i like the song)

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