Friday, October 24, 2008

sweat it out

someone very close to me told me today that she has an eating disorder. this is something that i have been aware of the whole time. for years. it just makes me realize how much i care and it hurts me to see someone so close to me in so much pain over to many things. she is so lost but she knows exactly whats going on. the smartest girl.. issues is all aspects of her life. i wish i could be more helpful to her. i think the best thing is for me to be there for her and talk to her and tell her when i think she looks beautiful. it funny because right before she told me about this i was going to say that she looks amaziing. and i kept realizing all day long how beautiful she is and she cant see it. all she sees is ugly. i relaly hope treatment will help her, and i thnk it will. it hurt me so much for us to go to dinner tonight and then i know she went to the bathroom and puked it up after. i dont know how to help. but al i know is tha i love her more than anything in the world and will be there for her. the day she breaks up with him. if she needs someone to rant to. to yell at. to talk to about her family. school. worries. insecurities. i hop eshe knows that i am ther for her no matter what and that i will always support her and not judge her and i will remain a positive crutch in her life. and her legs are broken badly if not amputated. i will always be there for her and any way she wants to communicate with me in any way she knows how. i hope she knows i am there for her. life is such a funny thing when you realize who is so alike to you and who you will be there for no matter what. LOVE YOU

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