Sunday, February 3, 2008

mashed potatoes

we take so many things for granted

on friday i was taking the skytrain to work and as usual and while i was coming down the escaltor onto 8th i see this girl dressed all in raggedy black clothes looking like a punk with bright pink hair that had grown out a few inches and numerous piercing covering her forced smile. i think to myself as i am slowly descending upon her why the hell is this girl asking randoms for money. she can afford piercings and hair dye, shes just another druggie that is too lazy to make an effort and change her ways. im so above her literally and physically. what kind of person thinks this? the priviledged of course. this all happens approx 430pm

11 oclock comes around and i am cut form work. and as i am walking to the skytrains i see the same girl standing in the same place looking lost in the same way as she did before. shes so zoned out and not in tune at all.. i cant believe i just worked a full shift, all annoyed because im tired and this whole time this girl has been outside in the freezing cold with only a sweater as im chattering my teeth and im wearing a huge feather filled jacket.

i almost just forget the moment and retreat up the escalator and go to my warm home. but i dont i go up to her and explain that i work at the keg and ask her if she would like me to get for some food. a little light flashes in her eyes and she looks so gratful but doesnt really show it. i go bakc and get them steal a fork from the bussers when they arent looking, dont tell anyone, and i go back and give it to her. as i come back she actually apologizes to be for being out of it and accepts the mashed potatoes gratufully. 3 mintutes of my life and she had some food, some warm food. some food that i get for free everyday and complain that im sick of it

i hate the order of the world and i realize this as i climb my way to the platform to go home. tears come to my eyes for no specific reason and i just dont understand it all. i think everyday after i leave work im going to take some g mash with me and see if somebody wants it. if not ill just take it home with me..

its just one of those things i dont want to forget. just like my tattoo you cant forget that everything has two sides to it and i erally should treat everything and everyone fairly. that poor girl and i actualy had anger towards her because she dares to ask me for some money. everyone has horrible lives. ive suffered a lot and i am still sooo priviledged. i catn even imagine what it would be like, how it would feel to have to ask strangers for money. maybe she is on drugs, maybe she isnt, i hope if she is she gets off them and i hope that she gets warm food evrynight.

mr big. im the one who wants to be with you

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