Friday, April 11, 2008


whenever I work. Like tonight. I always dread going home and I don't know why. And I always call mom and ask if she can pick me up because its only a 5 minute drive. and she says no all the time and her excuse today was " i'm already all settled at home here. nope. find your own way home. you chose this lifestyle" what?? i chose to work? yah i did does she want me to be constantly bumming money off of her? i dont think so. seriously makes me so mad! and i have an exam tomorrow and im so tired ive been out all day and no she is all "settled" fuck that noise.

and seriously i fill up with so much anger i can barely believe it and i sit on the skytrian and just fume and then i want to cry and i feel depressed only when im walking home. and thats not just tonight. its basically everynight that i wakl home from work.. i dont really understand it. but its not cool at all. and now i have an exam tomorrow that i am going to fail. also not cool at all. i wish i could fuck that noise.

and then as i was walking i saw this big truck and i always think of what it would look/feel like to just be plummeted by one. just be standing there and have it hit you at full force. how would the body fly??

and then after that thought i saw the moon and all the stars and i took a breath of fresh air and i felt so alive and the sky is so beautiful at night and it reminds me of moth cause the stars remind me of moth. so i tried to take some pics of the moon but it didnt work out to well but i felt better after that.

bi polar much?

sheryl crow and a cool new song out but i dont know the name of it.

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