The Daily Writing Prompt was to talk about your tattoo if you had one, and well, I have one!
I have four nautical stars runnning along my spine starting just above the base of my back, and then climbing up my spine to the exact center of my back. As each star climbs is gets a little bit bigger symbolizing continuous growth of oneself. the light and dark sides of each star alternate so that each side of me is completely equal. I did this because I like to try and see both sides of a story or situation before I place judgement on it. I have learnt from experience that first impressions do not mean everything!. I am an aquarius and a nautical star is a sign of the ocean. Sailors used it as a reference to the north star, they used the north star as a reference point because they could always find it in the sky meaning they always knew where they were going. i.e I should always have a direction and be moving towards something in life. Lastly my favorite number is four. I love my tattoo!
I have four nautical stars runnning along my spine starting just above the base of my back, and then climbing up my spine to the exact center of my back. As each star climbs is gets a little bit bigger symbolizing continuous growth of oneself. the light and dark sides of each star alternate so that each side of me is completely equal. I did this because I like to try and see both sides of a story or situation before I place judgement on it. I have learnt from experience that first impressions do not mean everything!. I am an aquarius and a nautical star is a sign of the ocean. Sailors used it as a reference to the north star, they used the north star as a reference point because they could always find it in the sky meaning they always knew where they were going. i.e I should always have a direction and be moving towards something in life. Lastly my favorite number is four. I love my tattoo!

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