For you newbies it's never to late to jump in!! Here is what you must do. Choose a prompt that inspires you most. Write. Come back Thursday and paste your blog URL into the Mister Linky that will be up...this way anyone can click on your name and head over to your place to see what you wrote.
prompt from mama
4.) Write a list of ten things on your mind this week.
1. my birthday dinner with my father who shares my bday with me. i dont like that we share it because he is selfish. i had to call him and force plans down his throat. i told him to think about what to do and call me back and he has failed to do so. our birthday is tomorrow and i dont know what we are doing.
2. if my bdya plans for friday are going to work out or not. will i have a nice time? will i actually talk to people or will so many peeps be there that i will feel like im ignoring people. i think it will be really fun
3. school school school. i need to finish th reviews for my creative writing workshop. i need to fill out that questionnaire, start writing my short story, read ch 13, read ch 3, discussion questions, and write the three page essay for hums. all by thursday.
4. me and gingers dirty ass house and how it needs to be cleaned.
5. how many mirage fundraiser tickets we will sell
6. will our cup plans for our amazing airband sort themselves out? i want to win. period. if not, non-existant tears will exude from my heart and fall. no one will see them but me.
7. probably the amounts of money i am wasting
8. how unhealthy i eat and how i waste money on food. probably how i should work out more
9. i will probably try to fit in at work or something more and get nervous and akward but everyone will fail to notice and on my mind will be all the things that no one thinks of. as always. this is a weekly occurrence
10. who could go a week and not think about some kind of boy?
a shitty beginning but i really like these prompts. props to you mama!
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