Thursday, January 17, 2008

i owe little sweat shop kids money

i was standing on the skytrain today and noticed that i do this at least once every couple days. i add up how much every i am wearing costs and its crazy! here was today:

classic black adidas shoes - 80$
socks - 3$(approx, who know show much socks are your mom buys them for you, mine are pink and fuzzy incase your wondering.)
jeans 25$
black beater - 20$
blue shirt - 15$
star hoodie - 40$
jacket - 145$
bag - 30 $

that equals 325$ of shit! and im not even including my bra or undies or elastics! not to mentionm how much the makeup and lotion and perfume i sprayed on myself costs, or my necklace and my ring, and how much i spent on my tattoo, and the nailpolish i bought just for shits and giggles.

we spend so much money its ridiculous, i do this everyfew days and then am sad for a total of 1 minute thinking about all the poor people in the world that have so much less that me. then something catches my eye and i forget about it completely. sometimes i wish i cared more.

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